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Kubota BX 2370 vs Snow in the hills of southeastern Ohio part 2
Kubota BX 2370 vs Snow in the hills of southeastern Ohio
Kubota BX 2370 with 60"plow. Snow storm Chris 2-9-17
Kubota BX2370 pushing and piling snow
Kubota BX Driving through 16''+ of snow
Kubota BX 2370 and Kubota 2767 Plow. March snow storm. Part 3
Kubota bx 2370 with snowblower 2755HD 2/2
kubota bx 2370 and three foot of snow
Kubota BX 2370-1 Plowing snow
Kubota BX pushing the snow
Kubota snow blower 2 23 18 7min
Fun Feature Friday with kubota tractor bx2370